Posts Tagged ‘virtual reality’


This world cannot be real..


Sometimes I believe that this world, and everything surrounding us, is indeed not real. This “world” has got to be some sort of an alternate universe, a game or maybe even just a dream.
Because some times, the most fucked up things happen, and it’s just too weird to be reality!
Take yesterday for an example, my boyfriend and I was walking down the street, just walking casually hand in hand, talking about nothing really. Suddenly I hear a voice from behind us calling out, “Hey, hey! are you a couple or married?”, both of us stopped and looked around and saw this guy, strangely familiar, coming up behind us on a bicycle, stopping next to us and repeated the question. Both of us rather perplexed by the question from this odd stranger, and then we asked “but why are you asking?” and he said “well, that’s because, on youtube, there’s a movie called “cool runnings” about that Jamaican bobsleigh team, and there is also Arnold Schwarzeneggers movie “Commando”, the whole movie!!” both of us got totally confused and just said “oh…okay” and he said “yeah!, cool runnings! just search for it!” and then he was off again…

What the h….??????
What in the world did his first question, have to do with movies on Youtube???
I mean..WHY??
This has to be some sort of malfunction in the software, can it be explained otherwise?
I really am starting to believe that this world cannot be real…
Think about it, did you have a strange encounter like this before?
Strange things happening that you feel you’ve already experienced before?
I am sure, this has to be some sort of a virtual reality, with some minor programming errors…